Thank you very much Conks!! This is the year my understanding of the monetary and financial world really developed which is largely due to your content. I couldn't be more grateful for your work, thanks again.
Thanks for all the information you've been sharing. I read a lot of finance media and no other website goes into the level of monetary plumbing detail that you do. I'm guessing you work in the industry to have this insider-level of knowledge.
Love you, mate!!!
Appreciate all you do
Thank you very much Conks!! This is the year my understanding of the monetary and financial world really developed which is largely due to your content. I couldn't be more grateful for your work, thanks again.
Thanks for all the information you've been sharing. I read a lot of finance media and no other website goes into the level of monetary plumbing detail that you do. I'm guessing you work in the industry to have this insider-level of knowledge.